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Irresistible Click Baits To Drive Traffic

Irresistible Click Baits To Drive Traffic

Are you confused about creating an attractive title for the blog?

This has been a never-ending challenge for marketers around the world. With innumerable blog post and content available on the internet and other sources, readers have a short attention span. They move from one content to another content within seconds. In this case, an irresistible click bait forces them to prolong their focus on a specific blog, but even it has limitations. Marketers have to stick to the basic rules which are not putting the title which does not match with the content.

What is the importance of the title?

The title is one of the deciding factors for the reader in making the decision whether the content should be clicked or not. Marketers should never ignore the importance of the title which has the power to turn the tables in their favor.

Developing a relevant and alluring title in the content puts the ball in their court, and it has to be treated as an opportunity by the marketers to connect with their audience instantly. Find some relevant tips that will help in crafting effective titles for the content:

The one million stories being shared on the social media platforms have now become a motivating factor for the marketing industry. These stories are being tapped and redirected to drive good traffic for the sites and other purposes. Instagram accounts for 23% as much ad spend on Facebook in the second quarter of the previous year.

1. Keyword Insertion:

Keywords build up the strong foundation for SEO. It is seen as a necessity than an experiment. These magic words have the potential to improve the ranking of the page or website in the search engine results. The short keywords as a title are more competitive in online advertising while the long keywords have the potential for PPC and higher conversion rates.

Most of the marketers use short tail keywords as it appears in more search volumes, but long keywords are also not far behind. When marketers use a long keyword, then they have to use it as the title of the content entirely

2. Using The Popular Trend Or Hype In The Specific Country:

Human being are curious creatures; they like to know about new trends or hype happening around them. Many content marketers use these trends as one of the medium to reach their audience by creating exciting click bait titles. They include not only the latest technologies but also the popular culture with reference from movies and television used in different social media platforms. This helps in making the content stand out from their competitors with a sparkling factor. The trending phrase can also make the content interesting and worthwhile for reading.

As catching the attention of the reader is the first motive of any marketer, they should put their effort into developing mind-boggling heading with reference from popular trends.

3. Following The Basic SEO Rules:

Being different and creative is encouraging in marketing, as it helps in driving more traffic, but a content marketer should also follow the basic SEO rules so that it does not harm the website in the search engine results. The number of characters which should be there in the title is around 45-70. If it exceeds that limit, then it negatively affects content chances in the SERPs ranking. The meta-description of the content should contain the main keyword with the best number of characters.

4. Making It Viral & Sensational:

This is the most non-talked about subject which many marketers avoid. Creating headlines which can stir up controversy is a nightmare for many writers. Although they want to make the content interesting, many of them believe that unnecessary sensational headlines are unethical practices.

As per the findings around the world, sensational headlines content have more readers than the generic ones. It has proven to be very effective and worked wonders for many businesses. A marketer can try it in their content marketing strategy to see how it works for them. They can make it sensational at the same time realistic without creating unpleasant circumstances.

For example, a headline like “Artificial intelligence for future” is a basic one which seems to be informative about futuristic AI role while the other headline “Artificial intelligence to replace mankind?” is an engaging headline where the writer is asking the question to his readers. The second title is a controversial one as many corporates, and the general public is talking about the consequences if artificial intelligence takes over mankind. Thus, it is successful in pulling the attention of the reader.

5. Infusing Urgency:

Creating “urgency” in a customer is the driving factor for many businesses as it is basic human psychology to have the best of resources and never lose out any good opportunity or offer. By infusing urgency in the minds of the consumer, marketers can compel the potential customers to visit their services page.

Here it should be ensured that marketer does not make any false promises. Urgency should be very creative and aligned with the standard marketing practices.

6. Targeting The Right Audience:

Marketers should understand their targeted audience before creating a headline. Technology audience will have a different perspective of a click bait title than a health solution provider audience. As various industries have specific guidelines, preferences, a click bait title should stick within those limits so that they can attract the targeted audience.

7. Writing A Clear, Precise & Interesting Headline:

A clear and precise headline prepares the audience what to expect from the content. It is a safe option than the title, which has a long and complicated headline. Rather than beating around the bush, one can make the headline creative and comprehendible to appease the audience.

Moving Thoughts:

Businesses are facing cut-throat competition. Articles on the search rankings, clicks have to compete with each other to have an irresistible market share pie. In such cases creating curiosity around the content is not a bad idea. It can lure the audience for clicking the main content and delivering its promise of even better content.

The primary focus should be the main content; the headline is only for getting the attention of the reader. So without using any cheap tactics marketer should treat the headline as an accessory for pulling more traffic.

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