Why Should Your Business Choose AWS For Cloud Platform

AWS Cloud Platform
  • Mar 17, 2020
  • Posted By: Robert Jordan
  • Category: Cloud Computing

In the current business scenario, where every organization is looking out for the right technology to cut down the cost, AWS has emerged as one of the useful technologies to fulfill this requirement.
Amazon Web Services, the first commercial cloud computing service provider, offers around 175 featured services from the global data centers.
Some of the important reasons why should your business choose AWS for the cloud platform are:

  • Reliability and consistency: Reliability is what most of the businesses prefer for their process. As investing in any latest technology requires proper planning, sufficient budget, time, etc. , AWS has emerged as a reliable option for the majority of the companies. With consistent performance, it is helping organizations to improve productivity and the overall business results.
  • Increased security: AWS provides increased security to organizations, a concern for many of the organizations across the world. The checkpoint CloudGuard platform is the best security solution for the environments on Amazon AWS. It offers the management and visibility, and also detects intrusion in the public cloud.
  • Location not a constraint: AWS has become the world leader in the cloud computing technology. The technology now operates in around 16 geographic regions and 44 available zones around the world. So, whichever location you are there around the world, you can choose AWS as a reliable cloud platform.
  • The deployment speed: The faster deployment speed is another reason why businesses should choose AWS for the cloud platform option. It helps in mitigating the deployment risks, by enabling the fast recovery from the immediate changes. When the deployment timing is significantly reduced, the process becomes more streamlined and effective.
  • Flexibility and scalability: This is one of the crucial features to look for, while choosing the cloud platform. Any new technology should align with the existing technical environment of the organization, otherwise, it can derail the entire process. AWS helps in easing the migration process, for the current applications and preserving the new options so that new solutions can be built upon.
    This scalable technology can scale up or down as per the demand. The flexibility and scalability of this cloud platform help to take your business results to a new level.
  • Disaster recovery: AWS provides the perfect disaster recovery system. It has a feature where it provides SLA of 99.95% uptime and the availability of the resources that are guaranteed.
  • Cuts down the cost of the IT infrastructure: It is cost-effective, that’s the reason many small organizations find it affordable as you have to only pay for the resources consumed per hour. The cheaper and effective methods is motivating for any organization to implement in their process.
  • Rearranging of the major resources: The AWS cloud platform significantly helps in rearranging of the major resources. When you have an effective cloud platform, then the IT staff can focus on more crucial and strategic work than focusing on minor issues.

With the help of AWS you can:

  • Increase the privacy
  • Manage the authentication and improve the user experience
  • AWS gives complete control for monitoring the logs and looking after the environment


AWS cloud platform has gained prominence in major IT organizations, and in the coming years, one can expect that it will become a crucial part of the process in an organization. Businesses should look into the various benefits which AWS provides, so that they can implement it for a more streamlined process. When you get the right agility and speed, your business automatically tends to generate the best revenue and profit, improve employee productivity, improves customer satisfaction and others in the long-term.