Marketing Automation Tools To Transform Your Business

  • Aug 01, 2019
  • Posted By: Robert Jordan
  • Category: Automation Marketing

Marketing automation is one of the critical components for the success of an organization. As per a research report, marketing automation grows faster within the CRM space, and Salesforce customers reported a 25% increase in the ROI after adopting CRM. It also helps in increasing sales productivity and reducing marketing overhead.

Now, let’s understand in detail how marketing automation helps businesses?

Whether you are a growing or established business, every business needs quality leads to outgrow their business. Marketing automation helps organizations get a detailed picture of their potential customers and target them with the right strategy. Check out some of how it can do so:

1. Lead Generation:

Almost all organizations need to have an accurate lead generation strategy to generate the correct number of leads and get good conversions. You will surely agree that without high-quality leads, no business can survive!!!!

The marketing automation tool is the new generation tool to guide your marketing strategy in the right direction. With the proper integration, it helps in producing the leads which have higher chances of conversions. It has been found that when the procedure between the marketing and sales team get automated, then teams get more time in lead nurturing, leading to more sales conversions.

Bringing together information from various touchpoints, including downloads, website visits, social media activity, and direct marketing, enables automatic scoring, prioritizing, and qualifying leads.

2. Lead Nurturing:
Lead nurturing is a challenging process as it requires much effort and time. Not every lead gets converted as a sale, and most of the time, it affects small businesses. The more minor sales and marketing team in these organizations cannot keep an eye on each lead; marketing automation becomes a savior and helps in streamlined and planned lead nurturing.

3. Customer Personalization:
Customer personalization is the key when it comes to nurturing the leads. As per the study by Pardot, 77% of the buyers want the targeted content at each stage during their research process. The automation tools help simplify the process and approach the right customer at the right time with the best content. They also help in capturing the data from all the content, such as:

  • Which emails are getting clicked and opened by customers?
  • Which blogs or posts are performing well on social media channels?
  • How is it getting converted to website visits?

4. Building a 360-degree view of the Customers:
Integrating CRM with marketing automation helps you to dive into detailed behavioral tracking. It might include the pages of prospects at different stages, such as the type of content they are interested in, their buying cycle, etc. This helps get incredible insights and customize everything from content marketing to sales pitches.

5. Quality Data for Smarter Decisions:
Quality data facilitates better decisions for the organization. Almost everybody is talking about big data, but very few have grasped the process, which helps collect and utilize the data for more intelligent decisions. Marketing automation provides the most comprehensive solutions in measuring campaigns and predicting consumer behavior on a limited budget.
You can try some of the best marketing automation tools which help you in better marketing personalization:

Google logo Google Optimize 360:
Google Optimize 360 assists the user in creating custom segmented customer experiences. These segments are then tested in learning the factors which can cause specific details for taking action on the website.
Statsbot logo Statsbot:
The platform monitors all the metrics such as the conversions, number of users, web traffic so that organizations can watch when you are close to goals or falling behind. It helps in adding clarity to the campaigns.
RichRelevance logo RichRelevance:
RichRelevance makes omnichannel personalization relevant and possible. It covers personalized browsing and website recommendations. The machine learning used in this platform is the top choice for many global companies.
Monetate logo Monetate:
Are you interested in 1:1 personalization? Monetate takes the customer data from the data sources and uses ML to make wiser decisions and predictions and 1:1 personalization.
Bunting logo Bunting:
The Bunting tool offers a high level of personalization for e-commerce sites. The algorithm takes the customer data and uses it to learn more about how users interact with the website. The platform helps automate web content, email campaigns, and product recommendations.
Persado logo Persado:
This innovative tool can be integrated with other solutions like MailChimp and Salesforce. The AI generates the subject lines that perform better with the target market. The algorithms help create engaging subject lines, which can be aligned with the brand voice and the desired personalization. Afterward, platform analytics is used to track performance.
There are many marketing automation tools available in the market, and all of these are developed for marketers to make their work easier. Once the device is implemented, the workload visibly reduces and proves highly beneficial for any business. It can completely transform your business to a new level and reap rich sales and revenue.