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Easter Email Templates

Easter the festival which is celebrated to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus from the dead has gained huge prominence across the world. Along with this religious belief among the Christians, it gives a chance to enjoy the holiday with the family members and friends.

What Does Easter Eggs Signify?

As egg is the symbol of new life, it has been often seen that eggs are often associated with this festival. Just as outside of the egg looks dead but inside there is life, same it signifies emergence of Jesus from the tomb and the famous resurrection. The decoration of eggs can be traced back to the 13th century tradition.

How Is An Easter Egg Decorated?

The eggs are decorated with a variety of colors to make it a perfect Easter egg. Kids have the most fun while decorating the egg. This season one can try some funky decorative ideas to make the eggs look gorgeous just as shown below:

Easter Egg PeopleImage Courtesy: mrprintables.com

While these have been decorative forms to decorate and enjoy the festival, as a marketer you still have to connect with your customer to generate more business. There are many good Easter email marketing template which you can implement in your business process.

Find some of the best Easter email templates:

Wise Choice In Selecting The Best Font And Color:

As Easter is one of the popular festivals, you have to choose the best color and font to set the mood of the festival. Promoting offers in the starting line of the template can help in holding the attention of the recipient. Creativity always stand out, make the best use of your creative mind that will impress the reader. Find the below image where you can see aligned font and color:

Easter Baker RossImage Courtesy: Uplers.com

Hosting Guests On Easter?

Then there are some best suggestions for designing an Easter email marketing template. As you know taking care of huge number of guests can be overwhelming, Yankee Candle one of the American retailer and manufacturer of scented candles and accessories came up with an innovative idea of portraying their services the right way:

Yankee candle EasterImage Courtesy: beefree.io

The brand did not offer deals and discounts in the mentioned email template but helps you out in creating the right atmosphere to entertain your guests.

Develop The Right Subject Lines For Easter Template:

As you know developing the right subject line can help to make the right connection with the customer. This Easter develop some innovative subject lines.

For Example:
• Uncover the best deal, attractive Easter offer
• Find the best Easter weekend treat
• Don’t let this Easter bunny get sad
• Have the best Easter treat with 50% off
• You will have the best surprise this Easter

Offering A Coupon Code:

Offering a coupon code to your prospects in Easter email can also motivate them to make the purchase. Any small discount, offer, coupon can trigger the purchase decision. Find out how Pottery Barn made it easy for the shoppers to act at the right time:

potterybarnImage Courtesy: bronto.com

Easter Bunny Templates:

Easter bunny templates are one of the interesting templates. After Easter Bunny was introduced in America in the 1700s by the German immigrants, bunnies have become important symbols in Easter templates. The Terrain company has wonderfully taken the idea of Easter Bunny to develop the email template as you can see in the below image:

Easter Email Campaign

Image Courtesy: Uplers.com

It also included the favorite vegetables of bunnies such as carrot, radish, etc.

Eggs, Bunnies, Attractive Subject Lines:

How about combining bunnies, eggs with attractive subject lines. This not only will make the email template a perfect combination but also entertain the readers with visual as well as interesting content. The below email template is a perfect example of this combination:

Ecmoore EasterImage Courtesy: freshaddress.com

AC Moore Arts and crafts created this beautiful template which was a visual delight for many of its readers. They even announced rewards certificate in the email. The call to action is also clearly clearly visible without being too promotional.

Easter Chocolate Template:

About 265.91 million Americans consumed chocolate in 2019 as per a Statista report.

So, you can even take the chocolate theme to design a pretty Easter email template. The below example shows how eggs are coated with chocolates and is shown in the email template with the word egg-cited:

hotel chocolat easterImage Courtesy: Business2Community.com

Isn’t it exciting?
Any innovative image can fixate your reader on your email template. The “chocolate spreads” word used in the email template motivates the audience for an exciting Easter festival.

Bold CTA With Bunnies:

Crate BarrelImage Courtesy: EmailMonks.com

Now this might look out of the box idea. As you can see there is not much content in the template with a clear CTA on the top SHOP NOW. Sometimes a clear and concise message can pull the readers to make the right action.

It is also giving the message “Every bunnies here,” meaning the festive season is round the corner so shop at the earliest for the right decors, dinnerware, and others.

Classy Email Template:

A classy and funny email is one of the best combinations a marketer can design. Hallmark designed a beautiful email template which won the hearts of many of its readers:

HallmarkImage Courtesy: EmailMonks.com

As you can see a dancing bunny with eggs, and the message “giggles guaranteed” is enough to attract the attention of the reader. Below even you can see the special offer is mentioned that will surely pull a good number of prospects.

Easter Holiday Travel Email Templates:

Most of the customers plan for travel during Christmas and New Year.

How about Easter travel holidays?

If you are a travel company then you can surely use this as an opportunity. Trigger the right action among the customers by motivating them, travel holidays should not only be planned during New Christmas but it can also be during Easter. Offer them attractive packages to all the popular destinations from booking hotels to renting cars etc. Below you can see a perfect example:


Vueling easter
Image Courtesy: MailUp.com

Welcoming Both Easter And Spring:

The spring season is round the corner so is Easter. Spring season is hugely welcomed in US, almost 27% of the Americans favoring it as they can have great outdoor activities, watch the cherry blossoms, etc.

As a marketer, you have to make the most, by combining the spring season and Easter in one template, just as you can see in the below example:

terrain easter

Image Courtesy: MailUp.com

The image shows up how the plant is blossoming up with the coming of spring season. The right graphic images, colors adds up the playfulness in the email template. This is one of the best examples of developing a creative email template.

Mothercare Easter Template:

Now you would think how Easter can be related to mother care. Just as the egg symbolize start of a new life same way a mother also give birth, symbolize start of a new life. If you are a retailer providing products for kids then you can also utilize the right marketing strategy this Easter with the right email template.

An Easter Email Template For Event:

If you are conducting an event during Easter then you would be surely sending emails to your customers. As most of the times people like to celebrate this festival with their families you can make it an attractive template for the whole family. The event can be “Mega Easter egg hunt,” or “Easter raffle.” You can promote it in your Facebook with the right images to attract as many prospects.

Flowchart Easter Email Template:

You must have studied flowchart at some point of your education career, but have you imagined nothing can become more creative if that is used to design an email template. It can be one of the craziest and innovative ideas of an Easter email template. Just look at the example below:

Fortnum MasonImage Courtesy: SalutonAgency.com

In this example you can see marketer has designed the template with a process flow diagram and adding “Yes” and “No” just as it is added in the flowchart when the customer’s requirements do not match.

Culinary Email Template:

Now, if you are into restaurant business, Easter Holidays can also bring good revenue for your business. Chocolate template have been widely used in email templates, you can use something different like promoting curry. It is the non conventional food for Christians but with globalization has made its way to the American palate. Check the below example:

curries-online-scliceImage Courtesy: SalutonAgency.com


A creative and innovative Easter email template sets the right ambiance and motivates the reader to take the necessary action. You should always connect with the customer the right way, as it is the first step to increase sales and revenue.

By designing one of the attractive Easter template you can hit the right chord with the customer, and brings you both on the same page producing the best business results.

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