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Top 8 Ways to improve your email open and click through rates

Top 8 Ways To Improve Your Email Open And Click-Through Rates

With the popularity of email marketing on the rise, marketers are overloading customer’s inboxes with end number of marketing emails. As a result of which the outcome they are getting is just the opposite of what they want that is their messages are getting lost in the crowd even after investing all their efforts into it. Email marketing is a cost-effective way for marketers to market their products, communicate with customers and create brand awareness. But what if customers are not reading their emails, either deleting it or ignoring or directly send it to the spam box? The ultimate result is that all their strategies fail then and there. Here are eight ways following which marketers can turn their failures into success, make strategies work for them and most importantly encourage customers to open their emails and increase Click-through Rate (CTR).

1. Strictly Follow CAN-SPAM Rules

Before going ahead with your email campaigns, make sure that your email adheres to the CAN-SPAM rules set by FTC in 2003. Abiding by the CAN-SPAM compliance, your email messages must strictly follow the rules available on FTC’s website. Few of them are:

  • Do include a valid physical postal address in every email send to the clients.
  • Provide option for opting out of any email and the decision for unsubscription should be considered within ten business days.
  • Do mention the words like “From,” “To,” and “Reply to.”

2. Don’t Send From Generic Email Addresses

While sending an email, remember to add a touch of personalization to it. Your message should have the name of the sender, a real person and not some company name like info@xyz.com. If possible give the contact details of the person attached to the email. People ignore emails that are automated or send from generic email addresses with no clear reference about the sender.

3. Write Catchy But Simple Subject Lines

In order to get more opened or click-through rate, don’t forget to keep your email’s subject line less than 50 characters so that it is fully visible even on mobile devices. And also try to keep the language simple and clear with no grammatical mistakes. Make use of verbs and engaging words to leave an impact of urgency and excitement on readers.

4. Include Social Sharing Buttons

The more your content gets spread, the better will be your followers. To reach a wider range of customers and expand your business, add social sharing buttons to your emails so that readers can share them on various social media platforms and do free publicity for you.

5. Keep Mobile Users In Mind

Today, emails are mostly read on mobile devices. Hence, while designing your email message, keep mobile users in mind and craft your email accordingly. To help viewers view your emails conveniently, you need to ensure few things like reducing the file size, make sure that the CTA buttons and links are larger than 45-57 pixels and create responsive templates.

6. Check Your Emails Before The Final Go

There are chances that you might miss noticing any mistake in your email while designing it. So, before sending it, try to preview and test the final output on different devices. You can also forward a test version to your employees within the office and take their valuable suggestion to avoid loops if any.

7. Attach Links To Images And Texts

One of the effective ways to increase CTR is by adding links to images in your email. Instead of crowding the email template with links everywhere, you can attach them to text and images, clicking on which will take the readers to your website which happens to be your ultimate purpose.

8. Add Call-To-Action Button

There are times when customers will not go through your entire message and as a result of which the chances of viewers responding to it also decreases. To encourage them to act on receiving your email even if they don’t read, put the clear call-to-action (CTA) button at a place where it is easily noticeable. By keeping a CTA for a free download of ebooks or case studies in your email, you can attract people’s attention and compel them to respond.

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