
Invigorate Your Business with Enterprise Content Management Customers List

Do you have an ECM product that stands out among the competition? Or do you have a business that targets customers that use Enterprise content management? Well, if you are in search of data solutions for your ECM related queries, then you’ve reached the right place.

Are you looking for a fully validated and customized enterprise content management customers list? Then drop your information below, and let’s make it happen!

Companies Using ECM
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    21,359 Companies Trust Us for their Data Needs

    What is the Enterprise Content Management Customers List?

    Coined in the year 2000 by the Association for Information and Event Management, ECM-Enterprise Content Management is defined as strategies, processes, and technologies that are used to obtain, store, analyze, and deliver critical content to an organization’s employees, customers, and business stakeholders. Organizations around the world adopt ECM into their systems to reduce operational costs, data preservation, and boost operational efficiency.

    InfoClutch’s ECM Customers List consists of information on the users of ECM and companies that utilize ECM in their day-to-day processes. The data would primarily be of key decision-makers and leaders of companies that use Enterprise Content Management. The ECM list is multi-sourced and multi-filtered by both human and machine intervention to ensure that the data is as valid and prospective as it can get.

    What is the Enterprise Content Management Customers List

    Through the InfoClutch ECM Customers list, skip the hassle of building your own list and network with key decision-makers and leaders of companies that use Enterprise Content Management.

    Data Segregation in the Enterprise Content Management Customers List

    The InfoClutch Enterprise Content Management Customers List is a holistic data list that covers all the information regarding customers using enterprise content management. Through the list, users can get information on customers using Enterprise content management software and customers using various ECM systems.

    The list goes through a stringent multi-filter validation process that has both human and technology interventions to ensure that the data you get has the best quality leads and negligible bounce rate.

    Here are the lists of ECM Providers Customers Lists available in our repository:

    Oracle Stellent Customers List Hyland Software ECM Customers List Microsoft Sharepoint ECM Customers List
    OpenText Extended ECM Customers List Brainshark Customers List Laserfiche ECM Customers List
    IBM FileNet Customers List EMC ECM Customers List Dropbox DocSend Customers List
    Highspot ECM Customers List Seismic ECM Customers List Alfresco Customers List
    and more…!

    Can't Find The Customers Lists You're Looking For? Let Us Sort It Out For You

    Companies Currently Using ECM(Sample Data)

    Company Name Website Address Address 1 City State Zip Code Country Phone Number Employee Size Revenue SIC Code SIC Description
    WSSC Water www.wsscwater.com 14501 Sweitzer L*** Laurel MD 207** United States (301) 20*-**** 3233 889.4 M 4941 Water Supply
    Banco Millennium Atlantico www.atlantico.ao Cidade Financ**** Condo, Via S8 Talatona District, Belas Municipality Luanda Angola 244 92***** 119 24.4 M 6022 State Commercial Banks
    Grunenthal Group www.grunenthal.com Gruunenthal G*** Aachen 520** Germany 49 24***** 379 10 M 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations
    Mallinckrodt Pharmaceuticals www.mallinckrodt.com Cruisera**, Blanch*****wn Dublin Ireland 353 16****** 2800 243 M 2834 Pharmaceutical Preparations

    Why Choose InfoClutch?

    Prospect like a Pro

    Don’t let boundaries stop you from building the perfect client base! Now initiate conversations with prospective leads from around the world using our area-specific data.

    Regular Updates

    We validate data every 45 days to ensure that it is still active and prospective. Furthermore, our data is validated again before the delivery.


    The data goes through regular updates and human and technology validation to ensure that there is no redundant information and that you get data that is prospective.

    Legally Sourced

    Our data complies with CCPA, CAN-SPAM, and GDPR acts to ensure that they have negligible bounce rates.

    Supercharge your Campaigns

    Our databases are equipped with valid and segmented data to offer a 95% deliverability rate to make sure you hit all your marketing goals.

    Multi Vertical Success

    The data you get from InfoClutch is USPS-verified, CASS-certified, and DNC-compliant, making it perfect for multi-channel communication.

    Seamlessly Connecting to your CRM

    Databases are shared with you via .xls, .csv, and .txt formats to ensure that they are easy to download and can seamlessly integrate into your CRM software.

    Comprehensive Filters

    With over 70+ data selects, filter through our comprehensive data list and take only the information that you need for your campaign.
    Data Record Count

    Data Record Count

    Total Contacts
    Total Postal Universe
    Total Emails Available
    Total Phone Numbers

    Get Your Curated ECM Customers List Now

    Business-to-Client Process

    Establish Goals and Milestones

    Establish Goals and Milestones

     Once the client submits their requirements, our team will set up an exploratory call with them to establish goals and requirements.

    How to Customize our Customers List

    Customize your industry email list to take only the information you require. With over 70 data selects to choose from, filter your requirements based on name, area, official email, company website, geographical location, and more.

    First name Area of Specialization Ownership Type Postal Address
    Last name Industry Company Size Geographical Location
    Job Title NAICS Code Company Revenue Demographics
    Official Email SIC Code Company Website Technographics
    Work Experience Entity Type Assets Size And More!

    About Enterprise Content Management

    Enterprise content management software, or ECM for short, can be defined as a set of processes, tools, or strategies that assists organizations in retrieving, storing, and delivering valuable information to key decision-makers, stakeholders, employees, and customers.
    About Enterprise Content Management

    ECM helps transform unstructured content into structured, actionable data that can help organizations make more informed decisions and deliver accurate content to their customers.

    ECM converts unstructured content into structured data using a wide variety of features such as optical character recognition (OCR), metadata tagging, text analytics, machine learning, and more.

    Enterprise Content Management Market Share

    As of 2024, the global Enterprise Content Market (ECM) stands at $47.6 Billion, and it is expected to grow to a whopping $150.97 Billion at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 17.0%.

    When we look at the shares from a vendor perspective, DocSend is the largest ECM vendor, with a hand in over 34.52% of the market, followed by Highspot with 20.63% and Seismic with 17.23%.

    Enterprise Content Management Market Share

    Number of ECM Customers Based on Different Selects

    Enterprise Content Management Customers by Country

    No Data Found

    Enterprise Content Management Customers by State-wise in the USA

    No Data Found

    Enterprise Content Management Customers by Industry

    No Data Found

    Enterprise Content Management Customers by Revenue

    No Data Found

    Enterprise Content Management Customers by Employee Size

    No Data Found

    Advantages of having Enterprise Content Management in an Organization

    Stay on Top of all Business Information

    With a solid ECM system, businesses can keep track of large quantities of data with relative ease. ECM brings content to a single centralized platform which makes it easy to search and retrieve.  

    Save Work Time

    Keeping track of all the content and analyzing it without using an ECM is a strenuous and time-killing task. With the introduction of ECM solutions, businesses get to organize content quickly and efficiently, thereby freeing up time for priority tasks.

    Reduce Operating Costs

    By going digital and streamlining the flow of content, organizations can significantly reduce the operating costs that existed before using ECM.

    Control Critical Data

    With an ECM system, gain control over documents, and never worry about losing data that holds critical information.

    Best ECM Software-Providing Companies

    Here are some of the best ECM software companies businesses choose from worldwide.


    • Market leader with 34.52%
    • Plugins for Gmail and Outlook
    • One-Click NDA
    • Smart Integrations


    • Takes 20.63% of the Market
    • Offers AI assisted Automation
    • Actionable analytics
    • Offers a vibrant community of partners


    • 3rd most popular ECM system with a 17.23% Market Share
    • AI-guided personalized content
    • Simplifies workflows
    • Offers Content Automation


    • Market share of 9.56%
    • Ease of use
    • Advanced features
    • Highly functional

    How Data is sourced at InfoClutch

    Here at InfoClutch, we are on a mission to enable our clients to meet the most prospective leads for their businesses. We do that through our bespoke customer lists.

    While creating lists like the ECM Customers List, we make sure that the data is unearthed from legitimate sources such as opt-in mail, business cards, government records, publications, directories, newsletter subscriptions, surveys, and much more. Furthermore, the data sourced by InfoClutch have USPS, CASS, DNC, CCPA, CAN-SPAM, and GDPR complaints, which implies that the data is legitimate and would have negligible bounce rates.

    The list shall enable you to have a competitive edge over your competitors and pitch directly to prospective target audiences. Furthermore, meet leads from national and international settings, and boost your business to fare in uncharted territories of business with this Enterprise Content Management Customers List.

    Join the 4000+ Successful Organizations that Trust our Data

    Over the past decade, we’ve been fortunate enough to assist 4000+ organizations with their data needs. Through comprehensive dual verification processes, we’ve ensured that the data we provide is the most valid and prospective data we can offer.

    So stop the wait. It’s time to disrupt the industry with InfoClutch’s enterprise content management customers list!

    Contact us @ +1 (888) 998 0077 or email us at [email protected] for more details, & we will get back to you as soon as possible!

    Pave the way to a new era of success and prosperity with our ECM Customers List!
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    Frequently Asked Questions

    The pricing of an ECM system can either be a one-time fee or an annual fee. The fee can start at a price range of $2000-$3000. Another mode of payment would be the subscription fee, which would be charged per user per month.

    Traditionally, the 5 elements of enterprise content management are capture, manage, store, preserve, and deliver.

    The core aim of an enterprise content management system would be to eliminate the downtime and complexity involved in the content streamlining process. The system organizes existing digital files in a central location and stores document metadata in folders.

    ECM can’t be considered an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system; rather, ECM is a system that can improve the functioning of an ERP system.

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