6 Ways to Turn Your Blog into a Leading Content Marketing Magnet

Blog, as we know is the heart of content marketing. They are home base and fuel the needs for social media, search engine optimization and to some extent sales process too.

Just imagine the number of users who come over internet with a curiosity to know about your product or service! The count can be millions and more. They have spurred the whole online world and are must to make your content marketing work. This change in the strategy has helped marketers achieve horizons of business opportunities with increased sales results.

Blogging today has brought in an incredible change in the way content is published online. Dedicating a section for a blog on your website is mandatory if you want to see traffic coming in. Blogging maintains adequate traffic, brings in direct communication, and promotes revenue-generating leads. It means, your website will rank better, attract more visitors and thus appears top on Search Engine Results Pages (SERPs). Which in turn leads achieves huge organic traffic.

Are you using blogs as a part of content marketing strategy? If you aren’t, you must implement it before it gets too late. On the other hand, to put a slightly different spin, you may be one who is not even sure what blogging does, but afraid to stop doing it!

Where ever you stand, here we have some tips that will help you understand and explore ways to turn your blog into a lead content marketing magnet:

1. Know your target audience:
Reach the roots, know your audience. Perhaps, knowing your audience is the key to success which in turn brings credibility to your business. Getting to know their habits and understanding your audience behavior is an aspect of knowing the personas and utilizing it in an apt way. After all, you can only begin creating content only after you know your target audience. Blogging for the right target group helps you connect with the right prospects and this further makes it easier to gain authority in your industry type.

In most cases, the target audience can be quickly defined. For example, the target audience in the real estate industry could be first time home buyers who could be relocating out of town or another area; investors & developers, property agents, commercial group institutions, rental companies and many more.

2. Plan a perfect blogging strategy:
The idea of having a blog and not having a plan for its strategy will take you nowhere. You aren’t really doing any justice if you don’t have a blogging strategy in place. It’s vital that you set clear objectives with realistic goals that define your business and that you want to achieve in it.

Some of the factors like, a content promotion which is as simple as overcasting hashtag campaign or any form of social media campaign will work. Also, following a blogging schedule, leading to a content promotion strategy, having action-driven content are some of the aspects that can spiral your business growth upwards.

3. Enhance the effectiveness of your website by optimizing it:
Having a blog alone on your website doesn’t work. Even after having a perfect plan for your blogging strategy, it’s viable to optimize your content. Your content can be unheard and unseen if your blog isn’t optimized. While content marketing is necessary, content optimization is crucial.

You have to get smarter if you want to build your blog audience. Optimizing your blog with a proper set of keywords will get you more search engine traffic. It’s important that you understand the concept of keywords and search engine optimization (SEO) while you optimize your blog. Integrate your brand in all possible ways by focusing on each piece of a post or content.

4. Make use of social media platform to promote your blog’s:
As per 2stallions, Social media profiles alone can drive the surge of website traffic by more than 70%. In the last couple of years, we have seen social media make a huge influence in spreading brand awareness through blog posts. It has become a way to tap into the targeted traffic that can drastically take your search engine rankings to the next level.

Remember to keep your audience in focus, as the behavior of your audience may vary on each social media site. Finding the right audience on the right social platform and identifying the new segments is the factor that can drive greater engagement. Having a holistic view of your audience across all the channels can be challenging. However, it’s vital to be comprehensive, so that you can deliver the right message to every person, every time and everywhere. (Social media site)

5. Structure your blog for content marketing:
Writing a blog post is never an easy thing which can be approached like a math problem. It’s neither a formula nor a fixed piece of work that can be defined by the number of word count in the headline or the body.

Well, there is ideally a blog structure that every business will have to invest their time on and probably create a structure that can work for their business. Be it planning before crafting your content, constructing the draft and, conversion phase which likely depends on your writing style.

6. Track your content marketing results:
This is the way to check if your content marketing is working. Implementing content may be the first half of your blogging strategy, the other half comes with tracking its results. A well-executed strategy is the one that can make your viewers more responsive and receptive.

You could use Built-in social media analytics tools, HubSpot’s tools to track down SEO, Buzzsumo to monitor web links and many more.

Take Away: Change is the way of life and so is it for any business or marketing. Blogs in content marketing can change the way your business can transform your future marketing.

Content marketing means showing that you can offer more than just good writing. It is a bundle of great writing with combination of promotion strategy, content strategy, and branding with social media strategy.

Strategize and plan a better content promotion, include social media sharing buttons and develop an overall plan around.

It is never too late, get started and have a happy blogging!!

Robert Jordan:
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