SAP Product Development and Manufacturing Customers List

SAP Product Development and Manufacturing

SAP Product Development and Manufacturing

You can expedite product development, speed time to value, and minimize costs with the SAP Enterprise Product Development solution, which comprises cloud services for collaboration, connected products, engineering, formulation, and visualization.

  • Cloud deployment
  • Requirements acquisition and management
  • Product collaboration and enterprise visualization
  • Simulation-based digital twin and virtual sensors

You can reimagine innovation with cloud-based product development with SAP Product Development and Manufacturing. Reduce time to market by digitizing product development – from design to operation for discrete manufacturers and design to consumption for process manufacturers.

“The United States accounts for 50 percent of SAP Product Development and Manufacturing customers, while India accounts for 9 percent, Germany for 8 percent, and the United Kingdom for 6 percent.”

Key Capabilities

  • Product Development Driven by Customer Requirements
  • Conquer the increasing complexity of product variations and multidisciplinary smart product development.
  • By integrating engineering and business data across the firm, you can boost design and development efficiency.
  • Manage product processes across the entire company with ease.
  • Collaborative Development Across the Firm
  • Collaboration on structured and unstructured product data in a secure and seamless manner.
  • Boost collaboration efficiency with features like workflows, task management, built-in 3D viewer support, and redlining.
  • Engage with the appropriate suppliers by increasing transparency and risk mitigation.
  • Comprehension of the Visual Digital Thread
  • With next-generation visual cloud applications, users can be more productive.
  • To deliver a model-based enterprise, connect 3D CAD data with ERP and master data from design to operation and service.
  • Enhanced critical asset training, manufacturing execution, service, and first-time fix rates
  • Industry 4.0 Data Leveraged in Product Innovation
  • Build connected products with IoT-enabled engineering models, and run what-if simulations to improve service processes.
  • Allow engineering models to be included in service and operations.
  • Examine how the product is used and how the operation differs from expected conditions.

Key Benefits

  • Rapid Innovation of New Products

Through innovative development processes, you can create high-quality, connected, compliant, and sustainable products. Connecting insights, processes, and people will empower your company to create, iterate, and release new products faster.

  • Offer Actionable Data

To accelerate product development, enable enterprise collaboration with all necessary information, insights, and stakeholders.

  • Empower the Enterprise

Facilitates to create closed-loop enterprise processes to synchronize the digital thread from design to operation and design to consumption.

Companies Using SAP Product Development and Manufacturing, Market Share & Customers List

ERP Market Share (in %)

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SAP Product Development and Manufacturing Customers by State-wise in the USA

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