Marketing Strategy to Boost ROI Using B2B Data

  • Dec 23, 2021
  • Posted By: Robert Jordan
  • Category: Technographics Data

A website is up, a strategy laid out, and a content calendar created. But, how do you ensure that all of this work generates leads and brings substantial Returns on Investments?

Statistics indicate that over 6200 marketers find it challenging to generate leads and ensure ROI on their marketing activities. It is, therefore, crucial to establish a foolproof marketing strategy. It will ensure that the content produced provides substantial returns.

Read ahead to find out how B2B agencies can achieve the perfect Marketing Strategy and tips on boosting ROI.

What is B2B Marketing?

B2B marketing, often known as business-to-business marketing, refers to any marketing approach or content aimed at a company or organization. B2B marketing methods often get used by companies that sell products or services to other businesses or organizations rather than to consumers.

B2B Marketing Strategies

A marketing strategy outlines how a company intends to create brand awareness about its products and services among prospective customers. It entails determining the platforms and tools to be used and the resources necessary to make it happen.

B2B Marketing Strategies steps

Image Source: Mbskool

Here are a few strategies that a B2B company can leverage to outline its marketing plan.

Identify Brand Positioning

A company must thoroughly understand its brand positioning to develop a successful strategy. That is how a brand is regarded through the eyes of the customer.

They will need to create a brand positioning statement that the team and potential customers can trust. Following that, the team will be prepared to go on to the next stage of creating buyer personas.

Recognizing the Target Audience

Determine a target audience or who is genuinely interested in the company’s products or services. That data will be used to construct buyer personas and understand how people make purchasing decisions, which is a valuable tool for any form of marketing.

Conducting Competitive Analysis

A competitive study is required to scope out the market and examine what other businesses promote to the target demographic. When inspecting competitors, keep the following in mind:

  • products on offer
  • sales strategies and outcomes
  • social media presence and content being marketed

Acquiring a basic outline of these factors can aid in identifying the competitors’ strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, often known as SWOT analysis.

On completing these steps, a company can determine what Marketing Channels they can utilize to disseminate information on their products and services.

B2B Marketing Channels

A competitive analysis will allow a company to map out the various kinds of marketing channels that its competitors utilize successfully and the channels they have not used.

That is where the company should start developing their B2B marketing strategy, diversifying their B2B marketing portfolio, and reaching the businesses they intend to reach.

The B2B marketing channels listed below are designed to link businesses with their target audience.

digital marketing channels

Image Source: Webstrategies

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a foolproof means of reaching out to individual and company customers. With 64% of all small businesses utilizing email marketing as their primary marketing channel, it is without dispute one of the most widely used marketing channels today.

Email marketing is also an effective means of circulating a brand’s content. Email newsletters are used by 83 percent of B2B organizations as part of their content marketing strategy. These newsletters are crucial to the success of their content marketing efforts.

With so many emails flooding inboxes these days, it’s more crucial than ever to produce and send out impactful marketing emails and warrants action from the recipient.

Use these tips to ensure effective responses in the form of openings and, eventually, lead conversions.

  • Create intriguing subject lines
  • Limit call-to-action (CTA) to one for each email
  • To reach the most relevant audiences, segment your email
  • Create responsive email designs

Digital Marketing

Every organization should have a digital presence, including paid ads, search engine optimization, a website, and any other online presence that might benefit a B2B company.

Map Out a Target Audience

Defining a target audience that will ensure that no resources go to waste and are directed towards those who will definitely utilize a company’s resources.

Create a Website

Without an informative, engaging website, digital marketing cannot perform efficiently. The normal B2B sales cycle generally involves several key players. Websites are simple tools for influencers to distribute information about a product or service.

Pay-Per-Click Ads

A company can complement its digital presence with pay-per-click (PPC) marketing, allowing it to expose its content and brand to new consumers through search engines and other platforms. Incorporating buyer persona information and amplifying content that they can relate to is the best approach to see an ROI from these paid ads.

Content Marketing

A content marketing strategy adds important information and informs the consumer. High-quality content is increasingly used to demonstrate competence by different organizations.

White papers, original research, blogs, and a variety of other forms of writing produced by businesses for use on their websites and elsewhere. Doing it properly is becoming increasingly important as search engines get better at finding high-quality content that consumers want to read.

It’s vital to note that content marketing works best when tailored to different stages of the customer lifecycle.

Social Media Marketing

Social media marketing is becoming increasingly popular, and it attracts a specific type of visitor that is more likely to encounter a brand for the first time.

Social media is also a wonderful platform to acquire third-party validation and build and expand a brand.

LinkedIn is the social media platform that any B2B marketing company must use. Others may or may not suit a company’s requirements, depending on the industry, but LinkedIn is a necessity.

Tips to Boost ROI in B2B Marketing

Now that there’s a method to the entire madness of B2B marketing, what next? Mostly, utilizing a few very technical tactics to make sure this strategy effectively brings a return on all the hours and resources invested in creating it.

Image Source: Commbox

Some tips on how one can achieve this have been listed below.

1. Creating Good Content

The emphasis should be on providing relevant material that is appropriate for and relevant to the company’s audience.

Additionally, delivering free educational content to clients will aid in the development of trust among a target demographic.

Select social media channels that are best suitable for promotion based on the type of business to target the right audience with the content.

Following that, develop a results-driven content marketing strategy that increases website traffic, builds brand awareness and reputation, and interacts with clients and consumers.

2. Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing as a business strategy draws customers by generating relevant information and personalized experiences. Inbound marketing forms ties and resolves issues they already have.

A company should start by acquiring clients, something they can achieve by posting highly informative blogs on high-traffic sites, engaging in video marketing, or providing interviews to major media houses.

This can be followed by an effort to engage clients through the use of high-quality information such as white papers and e-books. The blog section must be exceptional and completely committed to educating people.

Attracting and engaging techniques will be futile if the consumers are not pleased. To do so, a company must provide excellent customer service that drives repeat transactions. Customized email marketing campaigns that appeal to the customers can also help support ties.

3. Developing Buyer Personas

A B2B buyer’s journey is anything but straightforward. The fact that most of it take place fully online adds to the complexity. As a result, a personalized approach can be extremely beneficial for businesses supporting the entire customer journey.

Developing Buyer Personas

Image Source: Spadedesignlab

A buyer’s journey often begins when they first learn about a company and ends when they make a purchase – personalization at every stage of the process will make them feel appreciated.

A corporation must also outline the next step for the customer and ensure that the required message is conveyed. As a result, if someone visits the website after engaging with personalized information, the site should be able to share industry experiences.

4. Gated and Ungated Content

Gated content is essential for B2B organizations, but it must be utilized wisely. If too much is gated, a company has the ability to drive away potential clients; if too little is gated. They might miss out on a lot of possible leads.

Here are a few quick tips to help you figure it out.

  • Consider who the gate will keep out and who it will bring in when considering whether to gate the material.
  • Remember that gating can happen in various ways: you may only ask for an email address, or you can raise the stakes and seek information such as name, organization information, and contact information.
  • Asking for a minimal amount of payment is also an option.
  • Understand, because search bots cannot access gated information, it has no SEO value.

5. Adopt Multichannel Marketing

When it comes to merchants and enterprises with physical locations, the relevance of multi-channel marketing multiplies tenfold. Because the entire globe is practically on the Internet, businesses must have an online presence to tap into a universal reach.

Adopting this approach also demands a suitable strategy for business expansion. Areas that do not prompt any profits should be avoided at all costs.

Most marketers understand the necessity of multi-channel marketing, but only a few are adept at actually engaging clients across several channels.

The best approach is to experiment by applying the best two or three tactics for a certain period of time and determining whether it’s worth the effort or the appropriate one for a particular business.

6. Make Use of Analytics

Analytics is a crucial component of any digital marketing plan. However, they are only valuable when the presented data is acted upon.

If a business wants to multiply their ROI through B2B marketing successfully, they must heed the data and its indications and reprogram their efforts to reflect this.

It could include doing something that is a complete departure from their previous undertakings. But if done correctly, all of these efforts will generate favorable results. It is critical to remember that relevance is essential everywhere, especially in the digital world that moves faster than the rest of the world.

Examples of B2B Marketing

B2B marketing is effective. And, here is proof that it can work for anyone, no matter little or how many resources they may have.

1. HubSpot

Since 2007, the organization has been producing data and is regarded as a B2B content marketing forerunner. HubSpot offers original research, statistics, and ideas on how readers can boost their revenue with or without the company’s support.

hubspot ultimate guide for social media advertising

Image Source: Hubspot

In addition to its blog, the company develops information in various formats such as eBooks, webinars, promotional kits, and online courses.

As a result, HubSpot today has an estimated readership of more than six million people. HubSpot demonstrates how a high-quality content marketing strategy may help organizations save a lot of money in the long term.

2. Grammarly

Image Source: Grammarly

The Grammarly blog features a variety of writing-related content and receives millions of visitors by delivering the best answers to fundamental grammar challenges.

The team, however, does not stop at grammar-related content. They occasionally offer amusing quizzes, suggestions, jokes, and comics. They frequently supplemented their blogs with real-life examples, video content, and pictures to help readers comprehend better.

Wrapping Up

B2B marketing is a wise and patient individual’s game. It is only through consistent efforts that one can achieve the results they set out to gain.

This article, therefore, aims to condense all the vital information down to the most fundamental resources that a company needs to utilize to achieve a relevant strategy. It lists the most effective marketing strategies, choosing the appropriate marketing channels, and tips on boosting ROI.

In a constantly changing world, data has to be analyzed to customize strategies according to what works best. The example of Grammarly and HubSpot prove precisely that!